Product Design

Hydra Pulse

     Our client wanted us to create a gadget that integrates health data with a notification system to provide the user with data about their daily water consumption as well as periodic reminders to make sure they stay well hydrated.

     Designed to be easy to wear or place on a water bottle the device connects to your smartphone via Bluetooth and the battery can last for several days depending on it’s level of usage. 


Nov, 2019
Elegant Themes


  • 3D Printing
  • Plastic Enclosure Design
  • Prototype Manufacture
“I opened the box and then the unit with the card inside. All I did was hold it in my hands all day and show the whole family that was here for Thanksgiving. We’re hoping this device helps us increase revenue. Thanks so much for the effort. We look forward to ordering more of them. Thanks for making Thanksgiving something that we could really be thankful for.”

 John Becker, Coral Springs Software

Alongside the design we also made a dossier explaining everything the device would have, how to use it, as well as how to give it maintenance to keep it in good condition.